Kamis, 27 Desember 2012

i don't know why

cursory look no black light trying to break into the crack in the door is not closed it. Where else knows either of them about my whereabouts. I've been trying to hide from them, but they still know where I was. This is almost the same as the police were looking for a fugitive. but I'm not a suspect. I did not commit any crimes against them. brain they often make them think I was a bad person. if I were evil, I would not have patience and sincerity. I avoided it happens so that no unwanted.

Now I do not know where the place could be a safe haven. they are like ghosts always haunt the mind and heart. they are always overshadowed my bed. This is the same course they want my death. they wanted me numb, dead vision, hearing dead, dead body, dead everything.

now I'm confused where to hide anymore. What they use to detect presence. and I already feel comfortable with hiding here. I've felt I could survive and live peacefully alone here. what is my way wrong? but I think this is true. you must be patient soon we wilnotl meet again. we will live our lives each. there will be no need of you afraid of me. I'm not a criminal. I'm not a killer.   I'm not a thief.

please avoid my being. we just live our lives each. once we find out who we really are. after that, we think together. whether we are clean and pure? whether we deserve to pout people as criminals?
I think you have to finish all of this. thank you the sake of convenience. I was hiding to avoid things that are not in want.

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